HolyCoast: British Military Become Art Critics
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

British Military Become Art Critics

Back in WWII it was quite common for bomber and fighter crews to paint pictures on their airplanes, often beautiful women in various states of undress. This nose art was found throughout the U.S. and British Air Forces and has continued until today. The Brits, however, have now put a stop to it lest somebody become offended:
In killer heels and little else, they have a definite deadly charm.

But the risque images of women that have decorated warplanes since the First World War have been scrubbed out.

The Ministry of Defence has decreed they could offend the RAF's female personnel.
Officials admitted they had no record of any complaints from the 5,400 women in the RAF. ...

Commanders decided the images were sexist and insisted there was no place for them in the modern armed forces.

There was also concern that they could cause offence in a muslim country where until 2001 all women were forced to wear the head-to-toe burkha in public.
Personally, I find making women wear full body sacks offensive, but I don't see the Muslims changing to keep from offending me. The slide toward a Muslim state in Britain continues.

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