HolyCoast: Lesbian Sues eHarmony for Refusing to Find Her a Date
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lesbian Sues eHarmony for Refusing to Find Her a Date

eHarmony.com is a very successful people matching site which prides itself in being part of thousands of marriages. However, in this day and age, no one is allowed to specialize in heterosexual marriage without being sued by some gay idiot that can't get a date.
The popular matchmaking service eHarmony.com rejects homosexuals from its profiling and matching services because its goal is marriage, and that isn't legal for "gays" in most states, the founder has said.

The site, one of the most popular matchmaking operations in the nation, is facing new accusations in a lawsuit brought by a lesbian who alleges the company discriminated against her because of her sexual choices.

While eHarmony did not respond to WND requests for a comment about the situation, founder Neil Clark Warren has said several times that his company's evaluation and analysis procedures are intended to result in long-term relationships, ideally marriage, and that's why they do not apply to those choosing a homosexual lifestyle.

A Salon.com report by writer Rebecca Traister addressed that specific issue in a recent article – before the lawsuit was filed.

"When I asked Warren about his refusal to serve same-sex couples, he listed several reasons for his policy. 'First, we're into marriage,' he said, pointing out that gay unions remain illegal in almost every state. He also doesn't feel there is adequate research on how men can be matched up with other men, or women with women," Traister wrote.

She said that Warren reported various business interests have approached him about building a service designed specifically for homosexuals, but he's turned them down for those reasons.

"We've got thousands of years of history of the human race in which this [homosexuality] was never treated as a marriage and there are a lot of people who think it's just not going to have the same kind of stability over time," Traister said Warren told her.
Rather than sue eHarmony, why don't gays just set up their own site? Do the research and come up with whatever factors they think will work and start their own. I'm sure they can dupe enough people to sign up thinking they'll find the dyke of their dreams to make it pay for itself.

It's a fundamental principle of free market capitalism - identify a market that's being underserved and provide services to fill the need. If eHarmony is unwilling to serve the gay market then there's room for somebody else to come in and reap the profits. Quit complaining and get to work.

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