HolyCoast: Cheney in the News
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cheney in the News

Sally Quinn has a completely misguided article in the Washington Post suggesting that various elements are at work in the GOP to remove Dick Cheney from the office of the Vice President. So who would get the nod in Quinn's world? Why, Fred Thompson, of course.

That's absolute nonsense.

As Captain Ed points out, Thompson is far too smart to get suckered into that job, and I don't think Cheney is going anywhere. To those who think outside pressure will remove Cheney, I have just one question: Is Alberto Gonzalez still the Attorney General? If the answer is yes, then you can give up on the notion that outside pressure will cause President Bush to request the resignation of somebody he wants to keep in their job. Besides that, the Vice Presidency is an elected not appointed position, which means that even Bush couldn't make Cheney leave if he didn't want to.

Quinn also forgets one other little inconvenient truth. Anyone nominated for Vice President will have to undergo the confirmation process in a Senate controlled by Dems. What are the odds that they'd confirm somebody who might beat their candidate for president in 2008?

And Glenn Reynolds pointed out yesterday that if articles of impeachment were brought against Cheney, he would end up presiding at this own trial. The founders forgot to put something in the Constitution to prevent that.

Jonah Goldberg is a fan of the Vice President, as shown in his column today:
I'M A LONGTIME member of a pretty select group: the Dick Cheney Fan Club. Chapters gather in phone booths, refrigerator boxes and, at the annual convention, we take up three whole booths in the back of a nearby Arby's.

Why do I like Dick Cheney? Because at a time when everybody talks a big game about how they don't like people-pleasing politicians who live by the polls, Cheney is pretty much the only guy out there who walks the walk. He truly doesn't care what people think about him. I love that.

In particular, I like his stance toward the media. His view of the Fourth Estate is a bit like that of a bull elephant annoyed by varmints shnuffling around his feet: He's not bothered enough to squish 'em … yet.

Bottom line, the Democrats and lefties can fuss all they want, but I don't see Cheney going anywhere but back to Wyoming...in January of 2009.

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