HolyCoast: First Review of the iPhone
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Review of the iPhone

Apple's latest gadget, the iPhone, is about to debut, and one tech reviewer says we can all hold off on running out to buy the thing:
June 26, 2007 -- TENS of thousands of people are expected to line up this Friday for themost hyped gadget of the decade - the iPhone.

Don't be one of them.

Oh, it's a technological marvel. But Apple's all-in-one handheld isn't the best cellphone - or even the best iPhone - that will be sold in the next year.

The iPhone crams so many different features into its slightly bulky form that it can only excel at one, and compromise on the rest. After spending some time, albeit briefly, with the iPhone, it's clear to me that Internet and e-mail are the parts that suffered.

Like most new high tech products, the early adopters always end up paying too much for too little capability. Those that "just have to have it!" will still run out and spend $600 for the things so they can show everybody that they have more money than brains, but the smart folks will give Apple a chance to work out the early bugs and will buy the 2.0 or later models.

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