HolyCoast: Hurricanes Not Increasing Due to Global Warming
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hurricanes Not Increasing Due to Global Warming

It's become part of the global warming orthodoxy that a warming earth means more hurricanes (despite the fact that hurricane experts say that just the opposite would happen). A new study confirms that the increase in hurricanes we're seeing now is just the normal global pattern, and not due to warming temperatures:
Hurricanes in the Atlantic are increasing because of natural weather patterns rather than global warming, a study has concluded.

Growing numbers of hurricanes battering the United States and the Caribbean have made their presence felt in the past decade and are forecast to worsen. Global warming has been cited as a possible cause but researchers looking at sediment and coral deposits have now identified natural variations in their frequency.

Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, was “unexceptional” when historic patterns of such stormy weather are analysed, they suggested.

Global warming may even have been responsible for unusually low levels of hurricanes in the 25 years before 1995 when the number began rising, according to the scientists, led by the Geological Survey of Sweden.

Using deposits trapped in sediment to indicate when hurricanes had taken place, the researchers built up a record detailing their number and frequency going back 270 years.

They found that the decline in hurricanes during the 1970s and 1980s was matched by similar declines in the past, indicating natural variations in the weather patterns.

The only things that made Katrina exceptional were the facts that it hit a city built 16 feet below sea level, run by an incompetent city and state government, and full of people who rely on the incompetent government for everything they have. That storm, hitting just about anywhere else, would have been much less spectacular. It's also been overblown because of the political browbeating that's being done by the Democrats (who incidentally are the party of the mayor and governor) over the Federal response to the storm. Since a devastating hurricane fits nicely into global warming orthodoxy, the warmies have taken every opportunity to tout the storm's relationship to their crackpot theories.

It was indeed a perfect storm.

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