HolyCoast: McCain Slaps the Base Once Again
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

McCain Slaps the Base Once Again

John McCain's campaign probably took a fatal hit with the collapse of his immigration bill, and he's going down swinging:
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN)– Senator John McCain says it was an organized and vocal opposition in his party that kept the immigration bill from going forward last week.

“I think that the Senate works in a way that relatively small numbers can block legislation,” the Republican presidential candidate told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview aired Sunday. “But I also think that the — particularly the more conservative anti-immigrant, anti-legislation group were very well backed up by a very vocal group of people that were supporting them.”

The folks he's referring to are not anti-immigrant, but anti-illegal immigrant. There is a difference, though that difference is lost on McCain. They also are not anti-legislation, but anti-bad legislation.

This bill was another in a series of disasters for McCain.

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