HolyCoast: Touchback is No Touchdown
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Touchback is No Touchdown

Defying the outcry of millions of members of their own party, three GOP Senators continue their quixotic quest to come up with some version of the amnesty bill that can pass the Senate. The latest effort involves the so-called "touchback" provision:

With a crucial test vote scheduled for today, Republican supporters of a sweeping immigration bill threw their weight yesterday behind a significant change to the legislation that would force illegal immigrants to return to their home countries to apply for legal status. ...

Perhaps the most significant shift came from three of the bill's Republican architects: Sens. Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.) and Mel Martinez (Fla.). Under the current legislation, virtually all of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants would be granted provisional legal status immediately, provided that within 18 months they pay a fine, cover processing fees and submit to a criminal background check to get a new five-year "Z Visa." If they wanted legal permanent residence, heads of illegal-immigrant households would have to return to their home countries to apply for a green card. ...

Yesterday, the three senators added a provision that would force illegal immigrants to return to their home countries to apply for Z Visas, not just their green cards. With the architects of the bill behind it, supporters predicted that the amendment would pass easily.

It sounds good on paper. Instead of granting instant legalization, we'll make the heads of household return home to apply for the "Z" visas. In reality, this provision ignores human nature. The illegals have already demonstrated that they're willing to "work in the shadows" as Sen. Kennedy likes to say (except during immigration protests when they all come out of the shadows to waive their Mexican flags), and I would predict that all this amendment will do is keep them in the shadows since most won't dare leave the country out of fear they won't be able to get back. The idea tat 4-6 million people will suddenly leave the country to apply for the new visa is ludicrous.

There's a simple answer to the immigration problem - enforce the current laws. No new bills are required. Just enforce the law.

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