HolyCoast: With Friends Like This...
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

With Friends Like This...

This item at Powerline was kind of astounding:
In a letter to the court on behalf of Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz wrote:

I also remember how Mr. Libby offered his services pro bono or at reduced costs after he had returned to private law practice - to help former colleagues and friends with legal issues. In one case he helped a public official defend himself against libelous accusations, something that is extremely difficult to do for anyone in public office. The official in question was Richard Armitage who more recently served as - Deputy Secretary of State.

To refresh your memory, it was Armitage who leaked Valerie Plame's name to the press, inadvertently, something which was known to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald from the very beginning. That information alone should have put a stop to the entire investigation.

Instead, Fitzgerald proceeded with his witchhunt, finally managed to snag Libby on a technicality, and the whole time Armitage sat back and let his "friend" twist in the wind without revealing his role in the non-scandal. What a lowlife.

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