HolyCoast: A Bad Start For Brown
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Bad Start For Brown

If you wonder how new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will confront the growing problem if Islamic terrorism, this news is not promising:
Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word “Muslim” in ­connection with the ­terrorism crisis.

The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase “war on ­terror” is to be dropped.

The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more “consensual” tone than existed under Tony Blair.

However, the change provoked claims last night that ministers are indulging in yet more political correctness.

The sudden shift in tone emerged in comments by Mr Brown and Ms Smith in the wake of the failed attacks in London and Glasgow.

Mr Brown’s spokesman acknowledged yesterday that ministers had been given specific guidelines to avoid inflammatory language.
You can kiss their robed behinds all you want and it isn't going to make them like you or quit trying to blow you up.

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