HolyCoast: Dangerously Chewy
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dangerously Chewy

When I mention "chewy" in the post title, I'm not talking about the big hairy ape from Star Wars. I'm talking about candy:
Starburst Fruit Chews are exactly as their name would indicate: chewy. But one Michigan woman says the candies are so chewy, they should come with a warning label.

Victoria McArthur, of Romero, Mich., is suing Starbursts' parent company, Mars Inc., for more than $25,000 for "permanent personal injuries" she claims she sustained after biting into one of their yellow candy in 2005.

"I don't know, maybe about 3 chews and it literally locked my jaw … and it just literally pulled my jaw out of joint," she told MyFoxDetroit.com.

McArthur's lawyer, Brian Muawad, says the candies caused her to develop a condition known as temporal mandibular joint dysfunction. McArthur says she has had trouble chewing, talking and sleeping since the incident.

Muawad says McArthur offered to negotiate a settlement with Starburst's insurer to pay for her rehabilitation, but the company said no way. A spokesman for Mars refused to comment.

Good for Mars. This lawsuit sounds pretty frivolous. I know from experience that if you eat a Starburst that has gotten cold, the things are hard as bricks, but once they warm up, they're not going to do any damage. She probably just needed a little more patience.

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