HolyCoast: Dems Must Impeach Somebody Lest They Consider Themselves Failures
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dems Must Impeach Somebody Lest They Consider Themselves Failures

The only way I can explain this next story is that Democrats cannot feel happy with themselves unless they successfully impeach somebody....anybody, before Bush leaves office:
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Some House Democrats are calling for impeachment hearings against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to begin in the House Judiciary Committee unless he voluntarily resigns or is dismissed by President Bush.

“There is a national embarrassment in the United States attorney general’s office,” said Rep Jay Inslee, D-Washington, the resolution’s author. “It needs to be remedied. And if the president does not do his clear job, we will do ours.”

Inslee and 14 other Democrats introduced a resolution Tuesday ordering the House Judiciary Committee to “investigate whether Alberto R. Gonzales, attorney general of the United States, should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.”

This is where the wheels come off the Dem bandwagon. What "high crimes and misdemeanors" has Gonzales committed? He may not be the best Attorney General we've ever had, but I can't see where any House investigation is going to come up with the requirements for impeachment.

The reality is that they'll never get Bush or Cheney, so in order to achieve their goal of impeaching somebody, they'll try Gonzales. If that doesn't work, maybe they can get rid of the head of the National Park Service, or perhaps the Assistant Secretary to the Assistant Secretary of HUD.

There must be somebody out there they can impeach....

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