HolyCoast: Do No Harm (but Terror, That's Okay)
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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Do No Harm (but Terror, That's Okay)

I'm beginning to think the Muslim world has a different sort of Hippocratic Oath for their doctors:
A group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened to use car bombs and rocket grenades in terrorist attacks in the United States during discussions on an extremist internet chat site.

Cyber-terrorists: Tariq Daour, Younis Tsouli and Waseem Mughal

Police found details of the discussions on a site run by one of a three-strong "cyber-terrorist" gang.

They were discovered at the home of Younis Tsouli, 23, Woolwich Crown Court in south-east London heard.

One message read: "We are 45 doctors and we are determined to undertake jihad and take the battle inside America.

This is a scary new angle in the war on terror. Using professionals like doctors, who generally have an easier time getting visas and who don't get the scrutiny that some others of their nationality might get, may allow the terror cells to plot and plan their deadly acts without generating interest from the intelligence community. To those that say we dare not profile people just because they're Muslims, you're naive.

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