HolyCoast: Why Al Gore Will Never Be President
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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why Al Gore Will Never Be President

All you need to know about Al Gore's future presidential hopes can be summed up in this paragraph from a report on his appearance on the Today Show:
Gore laughed when asked if he was ready to endorse a candidate for president. He said his evaluation would be based on what each decides to do about climate change.

Climate change uber alles! Nothing else matters. Who cares about that pesky war on terror? Who cares about the economy and jobs? As long as polar bears might be saved, that's the guy for Al.

Drudge updates us on Al's promotional schedule for his Live Earth concerts this weekend:
SOURCES: Gore has cancelled series of interviews to promote LIVE EARTH. He did TODAY and a radio interview, then cancelled several interviews with local TV stations around the country, citing 'schedule conflict'...
He undoubtedly doesn't want to answer any questions about his son's arrest near my home in Orange County, and perhaps his schedule will be taken up with the investigation into how his son got $20,000 in cash to bail out of the Orange County Jail. Drug sales? Live Earth concert proceeds? Contributions to end global warming? Al Gore for President petty cash fund?

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Scrappleface has Al Gore's comments on the arrest of his son:
(2007-07-05) — Al Gore, the concert organizer and former U.S. vice president, today defended his son, Al III, after the younger Gore’s arrest for speeding and drug possession, applauding his use of the hybrid Toyota Prius to offset the carbon emissions of his smoking marijuana.

“Even at 100 miles per hour,” said the elder Mr. Gore, “the Prius produces less deadly greenhouse gas than a Lincoln Navigator or a Hummer. While I don’t condone getting caught with marijuana, I would venture to say that my boy’s total carbon footprint is still substantially smaller than the median for his socioeconomic and age brackets.”

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