HolyCoast: If You Want to Be Anonymous, Go to the Fair
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Friday, July 20, 2007

If You Want to Be Anonymous, Go to the Fair

Yesterday the HolyCoast clan visited the Orange County Fair. We saw all the usual stuff, but stayed off the rides. My personal credo is that if a ride can be unloaded from a truck and bolted together by carnies and illegal aliens in a few hours, I'm not getting on it.

The Orange County Building is where the county agencies have their booths, like the sheriff, fire department, Registrar of Voters, Vector Control, and various social services. They also had a pretty complete collection of organizations where people go to be anonymous. There were booths for Alchoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, Co-Dependents Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (you'd think those last two would try to work together). If you want to be anonymous, there's a group for you.

We were going to try and attend the Weird Al Yankovich show, but there was a huge crowd waiting to get in, and weird was the least of their problems. It was nerd heaven. We decided to pass.

The collections building was not too impressive. Last year my wife entered her sun-colored glass and won a ribbon, but this year we got too busy and missed the deadline. Too bad - she might have won this time because the glass collections weren't that great. Maybe next year.

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