HolyCoast: Pentagon Zings Hillary for Aiding Terrorists
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Pentagon Zings Hillary for Aiding Terrorists

Hillary is taking shots from all sides. John Edwards' wife has been on a tear against her (basically accusing her of acting like a man), and the Pentagon fired a broadside over her desire to hold public hearings detailing our withdrawal plans for the enemy:
The Pentagon yesterday launched a blistering attack on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for boosting "enemy propaganda" by demanding the U.S. military whip up plans for withdrawal from Iraq.

The forceful pummeling - in response to Clinton's request that the Defense Department "prepare plans for the phased redeployment" - came in a terse letter to the Democratic presidential front-runner from Defense Undersecretary Eric Edelman.

"Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia," Edelman wrote in the July 16 letter.

"Such talk understandably unnerves the very same Iraqi allies we are asking to assume enormous personal risks," he added.

Clinton, who voted in favor of the war in 2002, has been calling for the pullout of combat troops as she ratchets her anti-war rhetoric to woo liberal voters who make up the core of the Democratic Party.
The Pentagon was right to slap her down, but it won't do any good. Dems sincerely believe they know what's best for America, and right now what's best is a surrender and withdrawal from Iraq. That will temporarily appease both the terrorist and the lefty bloggers who really run the party.

However, the key word is "temporary", as both will soon redouble their efforts to destroy the United States and our way of life.

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