HolyCoast: Kerry Still Can't Count Votes
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kerry Still Can't Count Votes

John Kerry claims there are more than 60 Senators who wish to change course in Iraq, despite the fact that no more than 54 have ever voted for cloture on the various Iraq amendments:
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told The Hill Tuesday that he believes more than 60 senators would vote for a change in the Iraq strategy if they were allowed to vote their conscience on a measure to redeploy U.S. troops.

At a press conference on the measure, Kerry said it is time for senators not just to tell their colleagues in private conversations that they oppose the course President Bush has chosen, but to vote that way, too.

But he also noted that he is “pleased [that] there is growing bipartisanship on the issue of forcing a course change.”

Republican Sens. Olympia Snowe (Maine) and Gordon Smith (Ore.) joined Kerry and the cosponsors of the measure, Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), at the press conference to voice their support for the amendment.
Claiming it is so in a press conference doesn't make it so. Most of us would like to see the situation in Iraq change, but the "solutions" offered by the Dems are largely based on retreat and surrender. They're not going to get 60 votes for that.

This is all sort of reminiscent of 2004 when Kerry claimed he'd almost been elected after losing by only 3 million votes.

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