HolyCoast: JetBlue Joins the Moonbats
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

JetBlue Joins the Moonbats

If you got on an airliner and overheard someone describing President Bush as Hitler, another rejoicing over the recurrence of Tony Snow's cancer, and yet another wishing Dick Cheney's latest health scare had resulted in his death, would you feel comfortable flying on that plane? Not me, jack, I'm getting out of there.

And yet, that is the very crowd that JetBlue has elected to align themselves with by becoming a sponsor of the YearlyKos convention which is made up of the moonbat left that populates the DailyKos website. Dean Barnett from HughHewitt.com is not impressed:
The Daily Kos is not only political, but a political lightning rod. It doesn’t get more political than the Daily Kos. The fact that someone at JetBlue thought it was a good idea to hitch their wagon to Markos’ star is truly stupefying…The amazing thing about the JetBlue/YearlyKos thing is that people doing the advertising for JetBlue could be so ignorant regarding either the blogosphere or the nature of business. As far as business is concerned, you don’t attach yourself to an entity that not just alienates but also offends and angers half of your potential customer base. Of course, there is the chance that the people at JetBlue had no understanding of who or what the Daily Kos is before Bill O’Reilly gave them a crash course last night. If that’s the case, JetBlue’s new management team is off to a truly pathetic start.
The Kos Kids were also responsible for scaring Democrats away from any debate hosted by Fox News. While I agree that JetBlue has the right to affiliate with anyone or any organization they wish, I also have the right to avoid their airline because they might be carrying some of these moonbats on my flight.

Michelle Malkin has some interesting photoshops of JetBlue's new affiliates here. JetBlue has had their share of customer service problems lately. I'm not sure this sponsorship is going to help.

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