HolyCoast: What Will It Take for Joe Lieberman to Leave the Dems?
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Will It Take for Joe Lieberman to Leave the Dems?

As Harry Reid's slumber party gets underway in the Senate, I saw an interesting scene this afternoon. There was the requisite outraged Dem press conference in which Reid had his usual hissy fit, and behind him were a couple of liberal Republicans. Big deal - they may disagree with Bush on the war but they're not leaving the party over it.

The other press conference was much more interesting. It involved the Republicans who are not part of the surrender caucus, and also included Joe Lieberman, the Senate's lone independent. You could easily see the disgust on Lieberman's face as he talked about Reid's stunt, and even made a crack about the cots that have been rolled in for sleepy Senators. Lieberman said that too many of the Senators are already asleep on the issue of the war.

Lieberman is the only guy who could completely screw up all of Harry Reid's plans. He still caucuses with the Democrats, and thereby, provides them with their one vote majority in the Senate. Should Lieberman finally have enough of Reid and his antics, he could shift control of the Senate simply by choosing to caucus with the Republicans. Looking at Lieberman today, the disgust he expressed over the whole Iraq situation and the way the Dems are handling it, sure could make it easier for him to pull the plug on the Dems once and for all.

Wouldn't I love to see that...

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