HolyCoast: Why Are the Dems So Desperate to Get Out of Iraq?
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Why Are the Dems So Desperate to Get Out of Iraq?

The Dems shoved a bill through the House yesterday regarding the Iraq War:

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Iraqi government is achieving only spotty military and political progress, the Bush administration conceded Thursday in an assessment that war critics quickly seized on as confirmation of their dire warnings. Within hours, the House voted to withdraw U.S. troops by spring.

The House measure passed 223-201 in the Democratic-controlled chamber despite a veto threat from President Bush, who has ruled out any change in war policy before September. ...

The vote generally followed party lines: 219 Democrats and four Republicans in favor, and 191 Republicans and 10 Democrats opposed.

Why are the Dems so desperate to get our troops out of Iraq by next Spring? They'll tell you they want to "end the war" and "stop the killing"...blah, blah, blah... but that's pure steaming bovine excrement. That's not what's driving the continuous flurry of bills from both houses to withdraw from Iraq.

Simply put, the Dems don't want voters going to the polls in November 2008 and wondering which candidate will do more to win in Iraq, or which one will surrender the quickest. It is clearly in the political interest of the Dems to force Bush to withdraw before the war is won, let Iraq fall into complete chaos, and then blame it all on Bush and the Republicans. America's failure is the Democrat's gain (as they see it).

What if our troops are still in Iraq on election day and the situation is still somewhat in doubt? A Dem could still win the election, but then what? Let's say Hillary wins (God help us all!!). She has put a line in her stump speech loudly screeching that if the war is still going on when she takes office, she'll end it on her first day. More bovine excrement. The Dems know that there's no way their new president could pull the troops out of Iraq if the situation there is still in doubt. The resulting humanitarian and military disaster would be blamed on their guy (or gal) and their presidency would be destroyed from day one. The Dems don't want to find themselves inheriting this war, and their only hope of avoiding that is to try and force our troops out of their before the election.

It's not about wounded or dead troops, or billions of taxpayer dollars. It's all about politics and elections.

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