HolyCoast: Backlash Against Biofuels to Save Gummy Bears
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Backlash Against Biofuels to Save Gummy Bears

The rush toward corn-based biofuels threatens to drive food prices through the roof, and is especially harmful to those whose diets have corn products as a staple (such as in Latin and South American countries). However, there could be another casualty of the biofuel madness - Gummy Bears (from Special Report):
We've told you how the use of food crops for biofuels has driven up the prices for tortillas in Mexico, breakfast cereal in the U.S. and beer in Germany.

Now Spiegel Online reports the price of Germany's beloved gummy bears may soar next year because of the biofuel boom. That's because the price of key ingredient glucose rose by 30 percent in 2006.

Some German business people have had enough. They have formed an alliance that is seeking an end of government subsidies for biofuel crops. They say that in two to four years there will be food shortages — if crops continue to be diverted to biofuel production.

It may take $20 corn flakes before the U.S. wakes up to the folly of relying on biofuels to replace oil.

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