HolyCoast: Hillary Another Margaret Thatcher?
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hillary Another Margaret Thatcher?

If one of the anti-military lefties of the type who would ban the Blue Angels were to write a commentary piece about Hillary Clinton, what would it sound like? Like this:
WHAT IN the world was Sen. Hillary Clinton thinking when she attacked Sen. Barack Obama for ruling out the use of nuclear weapons in going after Osama bin Laden? And why aren't her supporters more concerned about yet another egregious example of Clinton's consistent backing for the mindless militarism that is dragging this nation to ruin? So what that she is pro-choice and a woman if the price of proving her capacity to be commander in chief is that we end up with an American version of Margaret Thatcher?

Maggie Thatcher just happened to be the best British Prime Minister since Churchill, and if Hillary Clinton had even half the promise of Thatcher, even I might vote for her. The columnist is Robert Sheer, a longtime lunatic who has never had a good word for anything to do with the military, and whose incessantly stupid columns contributed to my decision to cancel my LA Time subscription years ago. He's now writing for the San Francisco Chronicle (imagine my surprise).

You can read the rest if you want to see how the wacky left thinks.

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