HolyCoast: Baptized in Suds
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Baptized in Suds

Last night we went to our last Angel game of our 8 game package, and there's one thing I've never understood. I'm not a drinker, so beer has no attraction for me. I don't like the way it smells, and can't imagine it could taste any better. And yet, when beers are served at the stadium they fill the cups up to the very brim and then send the folks out into the crowd going up and down steep stairways. Unless they have the steady hands of a brain surgeon (which is unlikely after a beer or two), they're sure to slop suds all along the route.

People who buy soft drinks don't walk around slopping them all over everything. They put a lid on the cup. But beer drinkers are exempt, and tonight two people sat a seat over from us and dribbled their way all along the row and slopped some out as they sat down. I thought we'd dodged a bullet since they managed to miss us, but not so fast.

Our seats are in the top row of the lower section of the upper deck. Right behind our seats is the walkway where everybody passes on their way to their section. I've been expecting all year for somebody to dump something on us. Sure enough, in the sixth inning some idiot woman balancing her beer on her tray managed to drop it right behind my seat. Although most of it missed me, I still got hit with some of the wayward suds. Yuck. I'd rather have a bird poop on me.

I'm glad this was our last game.

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