HolyCoast: Oklahoma Is Solving the Illegal Alien Problem
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Oklahoma Is Solving the Illegal Alien Problem

Look what happens when a state decides to enforce laws regarding illegal immigrants:
Thousands of Hispanics have fled the Tulsa, Okla., area in the shadow of a looming state law that limits benefits and mandates deportation for illegal aliens, according to a report from KTUL television in Tulsa.

The state of Oklahoma recently approved a new law that requires deportation for illegal aliens who are arrested, and limits benefits and jobs to those individuals. The report said in East Tulsa, where a community of Hispanics has grown over recent years, there's been a sudden drop in population.

Business owner Simon Navarro has been in business there 11 years, and said the tough law has chased away 30 percent of the state's Hispanic population.

"Two months ago I heard 25,000 Hispanics have left Oklahoma," he told the station. "They are leaving. A lot have already left.

"People are leaving," he said. "They're scared of the sheriff."

Imagine my surprise. When you actually do what the law requires, the illegals go somewhere else. This should be an example to every other state, and a way to deal with the problem on a local level if the feds won't get the job done.

In a companion story, a couple of Virginia counties are changing the laws to deny services to illegals. Watch for an exodus up there as well.

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