HolyCoast: Building Symbolism Instead of a Structure
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Building Symbolism Instead of a Structure

James Lileks at Buzz.mn reports on the internal wranglings going on in Minneapolis over the issue of the rebuilding of the 35W bridge.
Finally! Apparently the Mayor would be willing to “stomach a few extra months of traffic congestion” on your behalf if it meant a thorough study of the light-rail options for the 35W bridge. Here’s the interesting quote:

“I believe a large number of people want this bridge to symbolize the rebuilding of a community in some way. This does not seem to be a significant part of MnDOT’s goal at this point.”

I wouldn’t expect MnDOT’s goals to include symbolizing a rebuilding. They’re in the business of transportation, not metaphysics. What’s more, we’re not rebuilding a community, because a community wasn’t destroyed. We’re rebuilding a bridge. Such endeavors are inspirational enough, and don't need to be slathered in rhetorical gravy.

Unless they're going to put a little choo-choo on the bridge that just goes from one end to the other, adding light rail requires more than just a few extra months of study. Those tracks have to connect to something else, and there goes more tax dollars down the drain. The federal government's emergency bailout funds do not allow for "symbolic" enhancements to the bridge - they just allow the replacement of what was there. I doubt if the commuters of the Twin Cities really want to deal with extra months of delays and traffic while the mayor works out his symbolism issues.

By the way, even if you don't live in Minnesota, Buzz.mn is a daily must-read. James just has a way with words that make even the most local issue entertaining. His description of the storm that hit the area last night nearly puts you right at his kitchen table with him.

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