HolyCoast: Loony Lefties Still Trying to Ban the Blue Angels From the Gay Bay
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Loony Lefties Still Trying to Ban the Blue Angels From the Gay Bay

Another attempt at anti-military idiocy in San Francisco is thwarted:
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- The Blue Angels daredevil air show should perform in October on schedule after a proposed resolution to ban them was tabled by the committee Monday.

Supervisor Chris Daly wants Congress to stop the Blue Angels’ Fleet Week flyovers and introduced the resolution, citing a fatal accident at an aerial display in South Carolina last year.

A hearing Monday let Veterans for Peace and other anti-war groups face off with tourism and commerce supporters.

Opponents of the Blue Angels voiced their concern over the trauma the show inflicts on war refugees, the waste of fuel, and noise pollution.

“The Blue Angels are totally unnecessary,” said a resolution supporter. “I believe they are sent here to terrorize this town because we are an anti-war city.”

“The Blue Angels, the sound of them, makes me smile,” said another man. “Keep them coming to San Francisco forever and ever.”

The show, which has been the centerpiece of the event since 1981, helps bring an estimated $4 million in city revenue that weekend, according to the mayor’s office, which opposes Daly’s proposed legislation.

The sound of freedom is pretty scary to those who believe our military are all a bunch of baby killers and civilian bombers. The next thing you know some peacenik will show up at their shrink complaining of Post Air Show Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

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