HolyCoast: Edwards is Running Against Fox News, Not Hillary and Obama
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Edwards is Running Against Fox News, Not Hillary and Obama

The John Edwards cheerleading squad strikes up the chant:

We hate Fox News, yes we do!
We hate Fox News, how about you?

WASHINGTON (AP) - John Edwards criticized Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday for taking more than $20,000 in donations from News Corp. officials, arguing that the company's Fox News Channel has a right- wing bias and Democrats should avoid the company.

Edwards led the Democratic candidates' boycott of Fox's plans to host a Democratic presidential debate. Now he is objecting to News Corp.'s purchase of Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co. and highlighting the relationships that Clinton and other rivals have with the company's executives.

"The time has come for Democrats to stop pretending to be friends with the very people who demonize the Democratic Party," Edwards said in a statement.

He challenged his rivals to refuse contributions from executives of News Corp., and return any they had already received. The Edwards campaign sent an e-mail to supporters with the subject line "Unfair and Unbalanced," asking them to donate in support of his stand against the company.

Said Edwards spokesman Eric Schultz: "Thousands of good people work at Fox News and News Corp., but this is about the bias of top executives, those who make real editorial decisions like Rupert Murdoch, people who continually sanction unfounded attacks on Democrats. And that's why Democrats like Senator Clinton should either reject their money or return it."

The campaign timed the challenge to come two days before Edwards, Clinton and other candidates are scheduled to appear at a convention of liberal bloggers, who applauded Edwards' revolt against the Fox- sponsored debate in March.

Edwards is clearly playing to the wackiest of the wacky left, many of whom will be at the YearlyKos convention in Chicago. Those people hate Fox News more than they hate Osama bin Laden. Actually, that's not a good comparison since many of them are actually admirers of bin Laden.

Watch what happens to Hillary and Obama at the convention. Hillary will probably receive a good booing, and with his recent comments about invading Pakistan and not ordering an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, Obama may be lucky to get out of there with his life.

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