HolyCoast: Karl Rove's Farewell Gift to the Seattle Times
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Karl Rove's Farewell Gift to the Seattle Times

The other day I had the story about the newsroom staff at the Seattle Times that reportedly cheered upon hearing of Rove's resignation. Rove responded to the cheers as reported by Howard Kurtz:

In an embarrassment to the industry, some staffers at a Seattle Times news meeting cheered when Rove's resignation was announced. To his credit, Editor David Boardman made the incident public and warned that staff meetings should not "evolve into a liberal latte klatch." Rove responded by sending a basket of cookies to the newsroom, with a note saying "my wife shares in your enthusiasm."
Very classy response by Rove. There's nothing like heaping hot coals of shame on your wannabe enemies.

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