HolyCoast: Lefties Call for Military Coup
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lefties Call for Military Coup

It appears that the opinion makers on the left read neither the newspapers nor the Constitution as evidenced by this item at the Huffington Post, the Airhead America of the blogging world:

General Pace - you have the power to fulfill your responsibility to protect the troops under your command. Indeed you have an obligation to do so.

You can relieve the President of his command.

Not of his Presidency. But of his military role as Commander-In-Chief. ...

In addition to relieving him of his command as Commander-In-Chief, you also have authority to place the President under MILITARY arrest.

The good news coming from Iraq, not to mention the support suddenly shown by prominent Dems for the surge, must really be tipping the lefties over the edge.

Captain Ed tells us why the poster at HuffPo is full of blather and rather lacking in scholarship:
Lewis quotes extensively from the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but clearly his scholarship does not extend to the Constitution. The command of the armed forces follows from the president's election to office, and cannot be separated from the office itself. Bush isn't C-in-C because he got appointed to that position, but because the American electorate voted him into that role. In other words, the military cannot arrest the C-in-C but leave the President in power, and to argue otherwise is to demonstrate complete ignorance.

Secondly, the President does not serve at the pleasure of the Joint Chiefs -- and indeed, the military is subservient to the civilian command structure. They do not have arrest authority over the President -- nor over anyone else in the US other than military personnel, as the Posse Comitatus Act stipulates. Civilian oversight keeps the military from seizing power and is a long and vital tradition in this nation. It's what keeps us from becoming a banana republic, run by military strongmen.

Lewis wants to turn America into just that kind of nation. His Bush-hatred runs so deep that he would willingly see the military take control over the federal government just to get rid of him. The Left likes to talk about supposed fascism among conservatives, but the Huffington Post is literally calling for a military coup to reverse an election, not only an un-Constitutional act but also the kind of authoritarian rule they supposedly despise.

All that being true, no matter how hard Lewis tries to make his point, there's no way I'm ready to believe that the antiwar left wants to turn the government over to military commanders in some sort of junta. Those people loath the military, which makes this whole notion of have Gen. Peter Pace arrest the president laughable.

UPDATE: I went to the article at HuffPo and posted this comment:
This is easily the dumbest post in the history of HuffPo and that's really saying something given the idiocy that regularly graces this site.
Since HuffPo screens comments and has regularly deleted mine when they were critical of one of their articles, I'll be surprised if it's allowed on the site.

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