HolyCoast: Mexico: Fence Will Harm Migratory Species
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Mexico: Fence Will Harm Migratory Species

Sometimes the jokes write themselves (from Special Report):
Mexico is urging the U.S. to change its plans for expanded border fences because it feels they will damage the environment.

Mexico's environment secretary says the barrier will place shared ecosystems at risk and threaten migratory species accustomed to roaming freely across the border. A Mexican government report says the use of lights and sonar could affect nocturnal species.

Mexico suggests establishing what it calls "green corridors" without roads — and the use of "live" fences made of cactuses or permeable barriers to allow water, insects and pollen to cross the border. Mexico is threatening to file a complaint with the U.N.'s International Court of Justice if the U.S. does not respond.

Of course, the main migratory species that Mexico is concerned about are farm workers and busboys.

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