HolyCoast: Politically Correct Baseball Game
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Politically Correct Baseball Game

Here's an innovative baseball promotion:
(WBZ) LOWELL The Lowell Spinners took baseball promotions to a whole new level Tuesday night.

The Spinners and the Brooklyn Cyclones played what may be the first ever politically correct baseball game.

That meant renaming some positions - the first, second and third basemen became "base persons," the batboy was the "bat person" for the night and the shortstop turned into the "vertically challenged stop."

"It was pretty awkward at first, I asked my buddy next to me, I was like what did he just say?" said Spinners catcher Brett Lewis.

Errors were not announced to the crowd - so they didn't offend the players who committed them.

And of course, you can't have stolen bases in a politically correct game. You can only have "undocumented bases".

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