HolyCoast: Video of Bridge Collapse
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Video of Bridge Collapse

In this day and age when video cameras are everywhere, almost no news incident goes untaped, and such is the case with yesterday's bridge collapse in Minneapolis:

The numbers were updated this morning to only 4 dead, 20 missing, and more than 79 injured. If there's any good news it's that the death toll was reduced from the 9 they reported last night.

One thing is clear, the emergency services in the Twin Cities reacted marvelously to this event. They had obviously drilled and prepared for a disaster scenerio, and when bad things started happening, they wre ready.

One of the interesting side stories in yesterday's collapse was the Twins game at the nearby Metrodome that went on as scheduled in order to keep 24,000 fans from hitting the roads in the area near the bridge. The Star-Tribune has the story here.

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