HolyCoast: Another Clinton Fundraising Scam
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another Clinton Fundraising Scam

The Wall Street Journal has information on yet another Clinton campaign fund bundler who is working outside the law:
BRISTOW, Va. — When Hillary Rodham Clinton held an intimate fund-raising event at her Washington home in late March, Pamela Layton donated $4,600, the maximum allowed by law, to Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign.

But the 37-year-old Mrs. Layton says she and her husband were reimbursed by her husband's boss for the donations. "It wasn't personal money. It was all corporate money," Mrs. Layton said outside her home here. "I don't even like Hillary. I'm a Republican."

The boss is William Danielczyk, founder of a Washington-area private-equity firm and a major fund-raising "bundler" for Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. Layton's gift was one of more than a dozen donations that night from people with Republican ties or no history of political giving.
It is illegal to reimburse others for campaign donations, so it looks like Hillary has another in long line of campaign finance violations to explain.

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