HolyCoast: Nutjob Intends to Defy NYPD and Visit Ground Zero
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nutjob Intends to Defy NYPD and Visit Ground Zero

Iranian President Nutjob still intends to visit Ground Zero even though his visit was denied by the NYPD:

(New York - WABC, September 19, 2007) - Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad requested to visit Ground Zero during an upcoming trip to New York. That request was rejected Wednesday. But a source tells Eyewitness News that the decision may not stop him.

A law enforcement source says the Iranian mission to the United Nations has informed the Secret Service that the Iranian president intends to visit Ground Zero Monday at 10 a.m.

The source says regardless of the NYPD's rejection of the request for a Ground Zero tour, Iran's president and his entourage will be accompanied by a Secret Service protective detail, a detail provided to all heads of state when they visit the United States.

Is there anybody in our government with the courage to tell this guy no and enforce it? Just because he's a foreign leader doesn't mean he as the run of New York City. In fact, we retain the right as UN host country to restrict foreign diplomats and leaders to the areas around the UN building or their hotels. If this guy is allowed to visit Ground Zero, everybody and anybody from the U.S. who allowed it or enabled it should be fired or removed from office, up to and including the president.

This is a guy who is a terrorist at heart, he denies the Holocaust, is actively promoting a second Holocaust, and even wrote a letter to President Bush proclaiming 9/11 an inside job sponsored by the government. Somebody needs to get in the little dictator's face and bar his way from getting near Ground Zero. If not our elected leaders, then the police, fire officials, and citizens of New York City.

UPDATES: Nutjob won't press the issue, but he's amazed that anyone would object to his visit. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

John McCain says Nutjob should be physically restrained if necessary to keep him from Ground Zero. Go get 'em, John!

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