HolyCoast: Anti-Jena 6 Website Raises Questions
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Anti-Jena 6 Website Raises Questions

The latest news in the "Jena 6" case is the sudden appearance of a website which purports to threaten the six thugs involved in the case:
JENA, La. — The FBI is reviewing a white supremacist Web site that purports to list the addresses of five of the six black teenagers accused of beating a white student in the small town of Jena and "essentially called for their lynching," an agency spokeswoman said.

Sheila Thorne, an agent in the FBI's New Orleans office, said Saturday that authorities were reviewing whether the site breaks any federal laws. She said the FBI had "gathered intelligence on the matter," but declined to further explain how the agency got involved.

The Web site features a swastika, frequent use of racial slurs, a mailing address in Roanoke, Virginia, and phone numbers purportedly for some of the teens' families "in case anyone wants to deliver justice." That page is dated Thursday.

This case has already been politicized beyond recognition, and given how easy it is to set up a web page and even use false ownership information, I can't help but wonder whether this site is a legitimate threat or something fabricated by the crowd that's trying to make victims out of the Jena 6 hoodlums.

The website just fits a little too neatly into the "thugs as victims" storyline.

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