HolyCoast: The Virgin Mary Tapestry and Burrito Tour Continues
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Virgin Mary Tapestry and Burrito Tour Continues

The Virgin Mary's world tour of tapestries, underground walkways, sidewalk ice cream stains and burritos continues, this time in South Florida:
MIAMI -- Hundreds of faithful people lined up at a South Florida church on Thursday and Friday nights, claiming to see visions of the Virgin Mary and Jesus in a cloth tapestry.

An apparition is said to be appearing on the altar of St. Brendan's Catholic church in Miami. Some people stood in line for more than an hour to see the image.

"I heard it on the news this morning that there was a silhouette of the holy family," Maria Anduiza said. "So we're here to see."

Inside the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament where the Holy Eucharist is exposed, church officials said shadows appeared along the bottom of the altar cloth.

The shadows have been drawing crowds of believers since Thursday.
Oh brother.

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