HolyCoast: Courting the Goreacle
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Courting the Goreacle

The Washington Post is analyzing the possible effect of an Al Gore endorsement:

Former vice president Al Gore's pronouncement that he is likely to endorse one of the Democratic candidates for president before the primary season is over has set off a slew of speculation about who his choice might be.

Truth is, the courting of the "Goreacle" began many months ago. Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) and Gore huddled in Nashville in December, and Gore has also met with former senator John Edwards (N.C.). Gore and Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (Conn.) conferred as recently as last week. ...

It seems safe to predict that Gore will not be endorsing the bid of the senator from New York. A more open question might be whether he would throw his support to Obama -- the only candidate in the top-tier who, like Gore, opposed the war in Iraq from the start -- or another surging contender at a critical moment to try to derail Hillary Clinton's quest for the nomination.

Al Gore is the kiss of death on a candidate. You may remember his ringing endorsement of Howard Dean in 2003, right before Dean self-destructed after the Iowa primary. Gore's even hard on the weather. You may recall that a few years ago Gore gave a highly publicized global warming address in New York City - on what turned out to be the coldest day in New York history.

Let's hope Gore endorses Hillary.

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