HolyCoast: Petraeus and Crocker to Give Exclusive Interview to Fox News
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Petraeus and Crocker to Give Exclusive Interview to Fox News

According to Drudge, following their report to Congress the two head guys in Iraq will give an exclusive TV interview:
Following their testimony to Congress, General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker will appear exclusively on FOX News Channel on Monday at 9pm EDT for a one hour live interview with Brit Hume...
While I think Brit will do a tremendous job with the interview, the decision to go on Fox News will play right into the hands of the Dems who are attempting to undermine both Petraeus and Crocker and turn this into "Bush's" report. Petraeus and Crocker will get a fair hearing on Fox, but their words will be dismissed by much of the media and the Dems as Republican propaganda.

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