HolyCoast: Elite Colleges Failing History
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Elite Colleges Failing History

It seems that the more prestigious the university, the worse the freshman do in a test of basic U.S. history (from Special Report):
A study of 14,000 freshmen and seniors at 50 U.S. colleges and universities has found that students at the most expensive schools — with the highest paid presidents — and largest government subsidies — do the worst on a test of basic American history.

The study by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute says the average score for freshmen was 50.4 percent correct — seniors got 54.2. Both of those would be "F"s in a classroom.

And the schools with the worst results were supposedly elite universities — including Yale, Princeton, Duke, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania. The study says students from smaller regional schools such as Eastern Connecticut State — Concordia University in Nebraska and Marian College in Wisconsin — scored the highest.

It could be that the smaller schools are actually teaching U.S. history, and not the politicially correct crap that often passes for U.S. history these days.

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