HolyCoast: Note to Hijackers: Try Germany First
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Note to Hijackers: Try Germany First

For the wannbe hijacker/suicide bomber intent on a 9/11 style attack of his own, your best bet is to try Germany (from Special Report):
If someone hijacks a private plane or an airliner over Germany with the intent to crash it and kill civilians — Germany's highest court has ruled the military cannot shoot it down.

However, one German official is showing signs of intelligent life:
But now Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung says if there was no other way to stop the attack — he would give the order to shoot down the plane anyway. A German news service reports Jung is taking heavy criticism for the stance.

Says one former parliament official — "This was the first time in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany that a minister openly declares he would disregard the ruling of the Constitutional Court and order that a crime be committed, if he deems it right."
And I thought our court system was whacked out.

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