HolyCoast: Hillary Won't Promise Troop Withdrawals
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hillary Won't Promise Troop Withdrawals

Non-lesbian Hillary Clinton made the rounds of the TV talk shows this morning - even daring to appear on the evil Fox News Network where a Dem debate was supposed to occur tonight. The one statement made today that will probably stir up the nutroots again was this:
Clinton said she couldn't promise to bring all U.S. troops home in her first term if she is elected president.

``I don't know what I'm going to inherit,'' Clinton said on ABC. ``I don't know and neither do any of us know what will be the situation in the region.''

Oooo, I see an opening for Obama and Edwards. What do you bet they'll be in the news tomorrow promising a complete withdrawal within a brief period of time following their inauguration? The nutroots would love to hear that.

President Bush thinks what most of us do - Hillary will win the Dem nomination but lose the general election (from Drudge):
President Bush, for the first time, is predicting that Barack Obama will be defeated in the Democratic presidential primaries by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“She's got a national presence and this is becoming a national primary,” Bush tells author Bill Sammon in the bombshell book, EVANGELICAL PRESIDENT, set for release Monday. “And therefore the person with the national presence, who has got the ability to raise enough money to sustain an effort in a multiplicity of sites, has got a good chance to be nominated.”

Breaking his vow not to play “pundit-in-chief” in the 2008 presidential race, Bush tells Sammon that Clinton ultimately will be defeated in the general election by the Republican nominee.

“I think our candidate can beat her, but it's going to be a tough race,” the president predicted in an Oval Office interview. “I will work to see to it that a Republican wins, and therefore don't accept the premise that a Democrat will win. I truly think the Republicans will hold the White House.”

I've read several of Sammon's books and he does some good work. You can order a copy by clicking on the box.

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