HolyCoast: It's A God-Thing -- Divine Appointment
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Friday, September 14, 2007

It's A God-Thing -- Divine Appointment

Posting by HolyCoast Dad

Once a week I spend 3 or 4 hours on the golf course to clear the cobwebs out and to get some exercise honing my golf skills. On Thursday afternoon I visited a favorite course, David L. Baker Executive Golf Course in Fountain Valley. I used to have a regular game with a friend of many years but we haven't been playing for a few weeks.

So I joined anyone who is available or go out by myself if the course isn't too busy. It was really busy Thursday and I was teamed up with a grandfather and his grandson. We said our usual "hello's" and started play. The grandfather was from the San Francisco area and was visiting his daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. They decided to go out for a game of golf on a very nice day.

As we traveled around the various holes we had time to wait and engaged in conversation. I mentioned I have four grandchildren and one was in college. It was in his area of the state and he knows the college well. I mentioned she was involved in music and plays the flute, piccolo, and Irish Whistle and is now learning the piano in college. The grandfather's name is Joe Lynn and he has been in music all his life as a quartet member, church music arranger, and has a singing group called "The Joe Lynn Trio". We were off and running on what each of us has been doing for our entire lives.

I mentioned that I was a founding member of The Watchmen Gospel Quartet and sang with them for 11 years turning my bass singing part over to my son, HolyCoast, who held it for 8 years before starting his own group, Crimson River Quartet. I've been involved in choral music for many years up to 1998 and have sung solos, duets, trios, quartets, ensembles, choirs, and was for eighteen months involved with a semi-professional chorale called Masterworks Chorale. Joe's involvement kind of followed the same pattern. He was 14 and I was 15 when each of us sang in our first quartet.

We stated to find common ground and even people we both knew. Joe asked where I attend church and I mentioned Saddleback Valley Community Church. Even though 20,000 attend there every weekend, he asked if I knew his son-in-law, Tim Davis. I know who Tim is and I have talked to him a couple of times but Tim wouldn't know who I was. Might recognize me if he saw me but not by name. Tim works with the music department of the church and specializes in vocal training for specials. He sometimes leads the singing. He has a great voice and does a fine job leading the contemporary songs that dominate the music program. The grandson I played golf with is Tim's son, Christian, age 10.

We found another connection with Bob Krogstad who arranged and produced a Christmas CD called "A Christmas Celebration". He knew Mr. Krogstad and I worked on the CD in a group called 'Long Beach Festival Singers" that became "Masterworks Chorale" led by Ron Colvard.

I said the Watchmen Quartet started at the Garden Grove Church of the Nazarene. He said he has done a lot of church music arranging for Lillenas Publishing Company of Kansas City which is the music company sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene. Well, I asked if in his dealings with Lillenas he has met Harlan Moore who had a very responsible position with that company. Joe said he had been with Harlan many times and knew him very well. Harlan is my cousin. His dad was my "dad" for the last three years of high school in Kansas City.

I was able to share with Joe that Harlan's wife, Barbi, was having surgery the next day for a brain tumor that has returned after five years. Joe also knew Barbi and will keep her in his prayers for healing and recovery. Joe had cancer surgery two years ago and could understand what Barbi is going through.

Joe Lynn was here to help his son-in-law arrange and produce a person CD. Joe is an Executive Pastor in his community church in the Bay Area.

Small World - but connected.

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