HolyCoast: NFL Spying - It's Bush's Fault!
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Friday, September 14, 2007

NFL Spying - It's Bush's Fault!

Just the other day when talking about the NFL spying case involving the New England Patriots I said this in jest:

Somebody needs to get the attention of the Democrats so they can start a new round of hearings and investigations on domestic spying...

Leave it to the Dems to try and connect the NFL case to the president:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – At first blush it's not particularly easy to connect the New England Patriots' spying flap to President Bush, but Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson found a way to do it Friday.

"The president has been allowed to spy on Americans without a warrant, and our U.S. Senate is letting it continue," said the New Mexico governor in a statement. "You know something is wrong when the New England Patriots face stiffer penalties for spying on innocent Americans than Dick Cheney and George Bush."

It's nice when the Democrats write the jokes for you.

Scrappleface adds this:
ACLU: NFL Patriots Also Spied on Fans in Stands

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