HolyCoast: Mark Steyn on 9/11 and the Crazies
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Mark Steyn on 9/11 and the Crazies

Mark Steyn asks "Where's the War" in this his column today:
Oh, it’s a long, long while from September to September. This year, the anniversary falls, for the first time, on a Tuesday morning, and perhaps some or other cable network will re-present the events in real time — the first vague breaking news in an otherwise routine morning show, the follow-up item on the second plane, and the realization that something bigger was underway. If you make it vivid enough, the JFK/Princess Di factor will kick in: You’ll remember “where you were” when you “heard the news.” But it’s harder to recreate the peculiar mood at the end of the day, when the citizens of the superpower went to bed not knowing what they’d wake up to the following morning.

As a matter of fact, MSNBC will be running in real time their broadcast from 9/11/01 beginning at 9am EDT/6am PDT on Tuesday morning. I would highly encourage you to tape it if you can't watch it live, and then carve out three hours to watch the whole thing. They did the same thing last year and I think it's a valuable way to remind Americans what we're fighting against and how it all got started.

Steyn also discusses the crazies out there who still think the 9/11 attacks were all a part of Bush's master plan:
And that would be the relatively sane reaction. Have you seen that bumper sticker “9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB”? If you haven’t, go to a college town and cruise Main Street for a couple of minutes. It seems odd that a fascist regime which thinks nothing of killing thousands of people in a big landmark building in the center of the city hasn’t quietly offed some of these dissident professors — or at least the guy with the sticker-printing contract. Fearlessly, Robert Fisk of Britain’s Independent, the alleged dean of Middle East correspondents, has now crossed over to the truther side and written a piece headlined, “Even I Question The ‘Truth’ About 9/11.” According to a poll in May, 35 percent of Democrats believe that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance. Did Rumsfeld also know? Almost certainly. That’s why he went to his office as normal that today, because he knew in advance that the plane would slice through the Pentagon but come to a halt on the far side of the photocopier. That’s how well-planned it was, unlike Iraq.

Apparently, 39 percent of Democrats still believe Bush didn’t know in advance — or, at any rate, so they said in May. But I’m confident half of them will have joined Rosie O’Donnell on the melted steely knoll before the Iowa caucuses. If Iraq is another Vietnam, 9/11 is another Kennedy assassination. Were Bali, Madrid, and London also inside jobs by the Bush Gang? If so, it’s no wonder federal spending’s out of control.
Unfortunately, no matter what actual facts are known about the 9/11 attacks, there will always be those who stretch reality every which way to fit their delusional fantasies.

You can read the rest of Steyn's column here.

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