HolyCoast: MoveOn Sinks Even Lower
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Friday, September 14, 2007

MoveOn Sinks Even Lower

The first rule of holes is if you're in one, stop digging. MoveOn hasn't learned that yet:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Five days after MoveOn.org set off a political firestorm by publishing an ad in the New York Times attacking the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, the liberal advocacy group has set its sights on President Bush.

The organization announced Friday it is rolling out a new national television ad campaign next week accusing Bush of "a betrayal of trust."

"Before the surge, George Bush had 130,000 troops stuck in Iraq," states the ad's narrator. "Americans had elected a new Congress to bring them home. Instead, Bush sent 30,000 more troops. "

"Now he's making a big deal about you guessed it…pulling out 30,000," the narrator adds. "So, next year, there will still be 130,000 troops stuck in Iraq."

"[President Bush has] given us a sham draw-down plan — 30,000 troops by next July is not a plan to end the war," Nita Chaudhary, a spokeswoman for the organization said in a statement. "No one is fooled by this. It’s just a political scheme to provide cover for Republicans and run out the clock to the end of his term."

Absent from the television spot is Petraeus, who was accused by MoveOn in its now infamous "Petraeus or Betray us" New York Times ad of not being truthful in his Iraq report for political reasons.

The Times ad claimed Patraeus "will not admit what everyone knows: Iraq is mired in an unwinnable religious civil war." It also suggested that Petraeus' testimony was influenced by the White House.

Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn.org, told CNN the group wanted to move past Petraeus in the TV ad campaign and "remind people about the president's role in this as well."

The group took a lot of heat over the Petraeus ad, and rightfully so, and this ad is clearly an attempt to change the subject so that Dems will not be put in a position to have to denounce the wacky left group that now plays a big role in their party.

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