HolyCoast: Scattered Blogging Ahead
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Friday, September 28, 2007

Scattered Blogging Ahead

During the next three days I'll be driving over 1,000 miles in order to spend some quality time with my college girl daughter who I haven't seen since we moved her into her dorm room on August 18th. I'm leaving at 5am Friday and I can't wait!

My daughter and I have a number of errands we need to complete while I'm there, and our Saturday will be spent in San Francisco for some shopping and a night at the symphony. Given the events planned for this weekend in the Gay Bay, Saturday could be pretty interesting. I've been doing a fair amount of blogging recently about the Gay Bay, including the latest video blog dealing with one supervisor's attempt to ban the Blue Angels from flying their next weekend. You can watch that here.

Our schedule will be busy, and I'm not sure whether the cheap hotel I'm staying in will have much in the way of internet access, so posts may be few and far between, but if I can, I'll try and keep you apprised of what's going on. In the meantime, I'm going to go enjoy some time with my kid.

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