HolyCoast: This Is What Your Tax Dollars Buy in the Gay Bay
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This Is What Your Tax Dollars Buy in the Gay Bay

I seem to have an unhealthy emphasis on San Francisco lately, but that's because the Gay Bay provides so much fodder for conservative bloggers. I'll be in San Francisco on Saturday to do some shopping with my college daughter and attend the San Francisco Symphony performance Saturday night, and will have to contend with the traffic and crowds that will be attending LoveFest, a big street music festival and parade at the Civic Center which is only about two blocks from the Symphony Hall. It's advertised to all ages, so hopefully the freaks will save their stuff for Sunday.

LoveFest seems innocent enough, and fortunately I'll miss the other big Gay Bay event on Sunday that your tax dollars are helping to support:
A taxpayer-supported "gay" celebration in San Francisco, featuring a poster portraying Jesus Christ and his disciples as "half-naked homosexual sadomasochists," has come under heavy fire from major Christian groups demanding that California lawmakers condemn it.

The poster by organizers of the Folsom Street Fair, sponsored in part by Miller Brewing, replaces the bread and wine representing Christ's blood and body with sadomasochistic sex toys.

"A picture's worth a thousand words," said Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues with Concerned Women for America.

Barber said his group wants California's elected officials – including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer – to "publicly condemn this unprovoked attack against Christ and His followers."

The annual street event, which includes displays of nudity and sexual activity – is scheduled for Sept. 30.

I wonder if Supervisor Chris Daly, who is so desperately trying to keep the Blue Angels from flying over San Francisco next weekend, will have his freak on at the Folsom Street Fair? I think the Gay Bay is threatened much more by what will happen on Sunday than anything the Blues will do during their four days at Fleet Week.

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