HolyCoast: Bouncer Plays "Guess the Gender" and Guesses Wrong
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bouncer Plays "Guess the Gender" and Guesses Wrong

Don't you hate it when this happens:
NEW YORK — A woman filed a civil rights lawsuit against a popular Greenwich Village neighborhood restaurant Tuesday, claiming a bouncer chased her out of the women's bathroom because she looked too masculine.

Khadijah Farmer, who was at the Caliente Cab Company after New York's gay pride parade last June, said the bouncer ran into the bathroom, pounded on the stall door and demanded that she leave. He told her a customer complained a man was in the women's room.

"I told him I was a woman, and I tried to show him my I.D.," Farmer said at a news conference. "He refused to look at it. I was extremely uncomfortable and quite humiliated."

Caliente Cab Company released a statement denying the discrimination claim and said Farmer's "primary interest" was money.

Good thing this guy wasn't working at Gays Days at Disneyland last weekend. Some of those folks were real stumpers. Without a DNA test you really couldn't be sure just what you were looking at.

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