HolyCoast: An Evening in Confusionland
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

An Evening in Confusionland

At Disneyland you have Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Adventureland, Frontierland, plus various other lands and areas, but for this weekend the whole place was Confusionland. You see, the first weekend in October is Gay Days at Disneyland. The first time I attended Gay Days was an accident (that story is here), but I've attended a couple of times on purpose since then because the whole thing is so darn entertaining. This year was no different.

I actually wanted to get some video footage for a video blog, but by the time we got there it had gotten too dark to get any good pictures. I'll have to try that another time. As we were walking in from the parking lot, a young couple (male and female) stopped us and warned us that if we may not want to go in because of inappropriate sexual conduct that we're likely to witness, as they had. Wouldn't Walt Disney be proud to hear that?

Disneyland was packed and everywhere you looked you saw the now-familiar read shirts of those who are advertising their sexual orientation to the others in the crowd. Red is the official dress code for Gay Days and kind of works under the same principle as the rear end of your average baboon. It says "here I am, come and get me!". Mixed in amongst the red were families, most of whom had a slightly shocked look on their face as they realized that their special Disneyland day was to be shared with thousands of oddballs and they would have some difficult explaining to do to their kids.

We saw every manner of flamboyance on display as we tried to walk through the masses down Main Street. For some reason young gay men have to be LOUD all the time. Limp wrists were flying everywhere and just walking without getting hit by some nut in full display was difficult. We gave up on trying to eat in Disneyland because of the lines and decided to try California Adventure instead.

The other park was much less crowded though it still had plenty of red shirts, though most of them were on men. We ate at the Taste Pilot Grill and purposely sat at an outdoor table so we could watch the passing parade. One "couple" caught my eye. One of the guys probably weighed 300 pounds and was accompanied by another guy half his size. The smaller one was wearing one of those Mouse Ears wedding veils. How cute.

Disney has these special programs where you can dine with various Disney princesses. Well, Saturday night you could have dined with a queen in any restaurant in the place.

One observation - lesbianism is not for attractive women, at least not the ones who showed up last night. With rare exception the lesbian couples all had a passing resemblance to Rosey O'Donnell, or possibly an NFL linebacker. The attractive women were nearly always with a guy. One of Rush Limbaugh's Undeniable Facts of Life is that "feminism was created to give unattractive women access to the mainstream". I'm beginning to wonder if lesbianism was created to give ugly women access to a sexual relationship.

Another observation - as we were walking out of California Adventure we walked through a couple of areas where there are rides and attractions that cater largely to children. Those areas were completely abandoned, as empty as I've ever seen them. That's probably a good sign.

The event continues today, so families beware.

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