HolyCoast: Building the Fence to Save the Environment
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Building the Fence to Save the Environment

Michael Chertoff has offered another good reason to build the border fence:
WASHINGTON - Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Monday defended the construction of a fence along the southwest border, saying it's actually better for the environment than what happens when people illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico line.

"Illegal migrants really degrade the environment. I've seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas," Chertoff said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "And believe me, that is the worst thing you can do to the environment."

To curb illegal immigration, the U.S. government plans to complete 670 miles of fencing on the southwest border by the end of 2008.
As long as they build the fence, I don't really care why they do it.

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