HolyCoast: CAIR Demands McCain Appoint Muslim Advisors
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

CAIR Demands McCain Appoint Muslim Advisors

John McCain ticked off just about every group that is non-Christian by suggesting that he would not be comfortable with a non-Christian president. Now terrorist front group CAIR is demanding that McCain agree to appoint Muslim advisors to his campaign and future cabinet (h/t LGF):
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on presidential candidate Sen. John McCain to appoint a Muslim campaign advisor and a Muslim White House aide if elected in 2008.

CAIR’s request came following McCain’s remarks that America is a “Christian” nation and that he would not be comfortable with a Muslim in the White House. ...

“The Constitution, reflecting the principles of the Founding Fathers and those who voted for its ratification, prohibits religious tests for public office,” said CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor. “Senator McCain should know that our nation was founded on universal moral principles common to many religions and philosophies. He does a disservice to those principles by suggesting that not belonging to a particular religious group limits an individual’s ability to lead.”

Saylor said Muslim advisors could offer McCain accurate information on issues related to Islam and the American Muslims.

I suppose it never occurred to CAIR that McCain already knows all he needs to know about Muslims, and that's why he stated he wasn't particularly interested in having a Muslim president.

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